Leon russell autobiography

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    Leon Russell, the musician's musician: New book takes an in-depth look at his life and career


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    Leon Russell is responsible for much of the best music of the 1960s and ‘70s.

    From his work with the Wrecking Crew — a band of notable Los Angeles musicians who played some of the biggest hits of the time — to being the musical force behind Joe Cocker’s Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour, Russell was entrenched in the popular music scene for decades.

    He also co-founded Shelter Records, which not only put out Russell’s own music, but discovered artists like Tom Petty and Phoebe Snow.

    Russell had all but faded into obscurity until Elton John brought him back into the spotlight and into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

    Russell died in 2016 at the age of 74. He would have turned 81 this weekend.

    Musician Bill Janovitz released a new biography titled "Leon Russell: The Master of Space and Time's Journey Throu