Oskar schindler grandchildren are a blessing
Grandchildren are a blessing poem!
In the movie Schindler's List, Oskar Schindler takes great risks to help Jewish families escape the Holocaust.
Oskar schindler grandchildren are a blessing
Although his actions carry great personal risk, Schindler helps the Jews because he truly believes it's the right thing to do. Many years later, when Schindler is very old, some of the Jews he saved come to care for him, and they later place flowers on his gravesite.
The movie The Covenant tells a similar story.
An American soldier in Afghanistan befriends an Afghan interpreter, who later saves him after he is injured in an explosion. The American soldier then travels back to Afghanistan to rescue his friend and bring him to the United States.
These two movies illustrate the Golden Rule—treat others as you would want them to treat you—as well as the related theme of Pay It Forward.
If someone has done something to help you, pay that forward by doing something nice for someone else. If you received excellent mentorship from your supervisor, professor, or anyone else,