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Claudia lohrenscheit biography
International Approaches in Human Rights Education
INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES IN HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION CLAUDIA LOHRENSCHEIT Abstract – This paper was presented at a working group on Human Rights Education (HRE), organised by Volker Lenhart and Christel Adick, as part of the biennial conference of the German Society for Educational Research (DGfE), held in 2000 in Göttingen.
In the spirit of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995–2004) it contributes to the global discourse about HRE by summarising its foundations in international declarations and conventions, by discussing some examples for diverse approaches and conceptions of HRE and, finally by introducing some major obstacles or problems.
The paper is part of the author’s PhD project in the field of HRE and presents only an interim résumé of her recent work. Zusammenfassung – Dieser Artikel wurde bei einer von Volker Lenhart und Christel Adick organisierten Arbeitsgruppe über Menschenrechtserziehung (Human Ri