T s eliot biography poems analysis
T s eliot biography poems analysis essay
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T s eliot biography poems analysis
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Written by Akki Neelesh, Jose Antony
A dramatic monologue in the Browning tradition, ' The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' is composed of a number of sections which seem to lack a sequence of events.
However, the poem does have a certain coherence supplied by the consistency of the feeling expressed. It exemplifies Eliot's tutelage to Jules Laforgue (1860-87) in its recourse to the ironical juxtaposition of solemnity and bathos and the free association of ideas.
The central character lacks the solidity of a Browning persona, being only a name with a voice. The poet deliberately sets up an antithesis between the romantic suggestion of a 'love song' and the prosaic name J. Alfred Prufrock.
The Preludes dwell on the same low aspects of urban life that we see depic